Greek amphora with red-figure painting

Classical Amphorae: Art or Craft … ?

Greek urns, now, displayed bodies in red set against a dark backdrop. This visual genre allowed figures to become much more intricate because of the minute brush strokes applied inside. Instead of profiles depicted solely from the side in black-figure painting, they were now shown from numerous viewing angles.

Erechtheion and Athens’ Myth of Origins

Athena’s serpent was known to dwell beneath the Erechtheion and priestesses were assigned to serve it honey-cakes regularly. If the serpent ever left a cake uneaten, it spelled doom for the city. This had purportedly happened before the Persians attacked in 480 BCE. These priestesses were also responsible for the ritual bathing and dressing of Athena Polias.

Parthenon: the Temple of Athena

The temple’s name Parthenon refers specifically to the virginity of Athena. In an ancient Greek house, the quarter which belonged to un-married women was known as Parthenon. This name was also initially reserved for the temple’s western cella where 4 young women entitled arrephoroi spent a whole year weaving her saffron-coloured dress called peplos.